
Thursday, March 9, 2023

my podcast transcript


Welcome to the podcast! Today, we’ll be discussing the best way to get a music executive producer. My name is [name], and I've been in the music industry for over a decade. I'll be your host as we discuss the ins and outs of finding the perfect executive producer for your music project. 

As any musician knows, the right producer can make or break a project. A good producer brings experience, creative vision, and technical expertise to the table. They can also help you navigate the music industry and connect you to other industry professionals. 

But how do you find an executive producer that fits your goals and budget? Well, it all starts with doing your research. Start by reading up on different music producers, what they specialize in, and what kind of projects they’ve worked on in the past. 

If you’re not sure where to start, ask friends and colleagues for recommendations. You can also use online resources like Discogs and Allmusic to search for producers in your genre. It’s a good idea to reach out to a few different producers and get a feel for their working style, rates, and availability. 

When you have a list of potential producers, the next step is to create an effective pitch. Your pitch should be professional and concise. Include a brief description of your project, what you’re looking for from a producer, and any other relevant information. It’s important to be clear about what you’re willing to pay for their services. 

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Once you’ve sent out your pitches, make sure to follow up. Be persistent but also be respectful of their time. If you don’t hear back, don’t be discouraged. Keep sending out pitches until you find the right fit. 

Finally, if you’re struggling to find an executive producer, consider hiring a music supervisor. Music supervisors are experienced music industry professionals who can help you find the right producer for your project. They can also connect you to other music industry professionals, such as songwriters, A&R reps, and record labels. 

So, that’s a brief overview of the best way to get a music executive producer. If you’re serious about getting the right producer for your project, do your research, create an effective pitch, and be persistent. 


Thanks for tuning in to the podcast! I hope this has been helpful in your search for the perfect executive producer. Good luck, and happy producing!

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